Meaningful Use Stage 1 Core Objective:

Report ambulatory clinical quality measures to CMS/State

Stage 1 Objective:
§495.6(d)(10)(i) - Report ambulatory clinical quality measures to CMS or, in the case of Medicaid EPs, the States.

Stage 1 Measure:
§495.6(d)(10)(ii) - Subject to paragraph (c) of this section, successfully report to CMS (or, in the case of Medicaid EPs, the States) ambulatory clinical quality measures selected by CMS in the manner specified by CMS (or in the case of Medicaid EPs, the States).
[Preamble Reference]
  • For 2011, provide aggregate numerator, denominator, and exclusions through attestation as required by CMS or State.
  • For 2012, electronically submit the clinical quality measures as required by CMS or State.